Right livelihood in the world of reality

What do you think is the right livelihood? Not what is the most convenient, profitable, enjoyable or gainful, but what is the right livelihood? How will you find out what is right? The word ‘right’ means correct, accurate. It cannot be accurate if you do something for profit or pleasure only. This is a complex thing. Everything that thought has put together is reality. This tent has been put together by thought; it is a reality. The tree has not been put together by thought, but it is a reality. Illusions are reality—the illusions that one has, imagination, all that is reality. And the action from those illusions is neurotic, which is also reality. So when you ask what right livelihood is, you must understand what reality is. Reality is not truth.
What is correct action in this reality? And how will you discover for yourself what is right in this reality? We have to find out what is the accurate, correct, right action or right livelihood in the world of reality. Reality includes illusion. Belief is an illusion, and the activities of belief are neurotic. Nationalism and all the rest of it is another form of reality, but an illusion. So taking all that as reality, what is the right action there? Who is going to tell you? Nobody. But when you see reality without illusion, the very perception of that reality is intelligence, in which there is no mixture of reality and illusion.
So when there is the observation of reality, the reality of the tree, the reality of the tent, reality which thought has put together, including visions and illusions, when you see all that reality, the very perception of that is intelligence. So intelligence says what you are going to do. Intelligence is to perceive what is and what is not. To perceive ‘what is’ and see the reality of ‘what is’ means you don’t have any psychological involvement or demands, which are all forms of illusion. To see all that is intelligence, and that intelligence will operate wherever you are. Therefore that will tell you what to do.
Then what is truth? What is the link between reality and truth? The link is intelligence. Intelligence sees the totality of reality and therefore does not carry it over to truth. And truth then operates on reality through intelligence.


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